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Wakame as a Product

Wakame gets distributed in many different forms.

Cut Wakame

Cut Wakame

Cut Wakame

Most popular form of distribution in Japan and America. Raw wakame is washed and dried. It's convenient and used for soup and such.

Enzo Wakame
(Salt curing Wakame)

Enzo Wakame

Enzo Wakame
(Salt curing Wakame)

Raw wakame being salt cured. It said to have resilient and flavorful characteristics.

Haiboshi Wakame
(Ash dried Wakame)

Haiboshi Wakame
(Ash dried Wakame)

It's produced in Naruto, Japan. Harvested wakame is coated into ash and dried. Coating wakame with ash makes wakame brilliant green, and crispier but production has been decreasing due to its cost.
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